Is a Book the Perfect Gift?

Let’s Talk Bookish is a weekly series created by Rukky at Eternity Books and hosted by Aria at Book Nook BitsThe full list of December topics can be found here.

This week’s topic is Books as Gifts. Thanks to Aria for selecting my topic for this week! I thought this would be timely since the holidays are coming up and if you are like me, you probably love to both give and receive all things bookish, including books.

Do books make good gifts?

For a person who loves to read, I think a book is the perfect gift!

Do you ever give or receive books as gifts?

I receive books as gifts every year for my birthday and the holidays. The people who know me well usually know what to get me, or know that I keep an online wish list active specifically for this reason.

The only times I’ve bought a book for someone are if I know they want a specific title or if I know for sure they will like it. Books are so personal that unless you know the person well I think it can be tricky to figure out what someone will like.

Would you rather receive a book from your wish list or be surprised?

I would rather receive a book from my wish list! That way I won’t have to pretend to be excited since it will be a book I already wanted 😉

What would you do if you didn’t like the book you were given?

I would thank the person and keep it on my shelf. In those instances, it’s the thought that counts. Plus, you never know if you may end up reading the book some day and loving it. I think the sentimental value outweighs the practical value in these cases.

Would you expect someone to read a book you got them right away?

Not at all! I’ve given books as gifts that the person didn’t read for months, even a year. It’s the thought that counts and if they kept the book and plan to read it eventually that’s still a win. If they didn’t keep the book I’d rather they not tell me, hah.

Do you like to give books as gifts? Tell me about it in the comments!

5 thoughts on “Is a Book the Perfect Gift?

  1. I know my friends and family think books are tricky to give, but I think any gift giving is tricky! You really need to have a thoughtful and perceptive gift giver to have it work. For instance, one of my friends likes to give me stuff like calendars with HER favorite animal on it. One person will give me a ten-pack of socks every year. I can’t wear them all. I end up donating a lot of my gifts every year. If they got me a book I didn’t like, it would be the same, really. If I didn’t like it, I would end up donating it. So I’d rather they took their chances on the book!

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